Design Information

LEED Credits

LightLouver Daylighting System and LEED 2009

The LightLouver Daylighting System is recognized by design professionals as an innovative and effective strategy for achieving high quality daylighting as well as LEED® Certification and Energy Star® performance goals. Incorporating daylighting into a new or existing commercial ( non-residential ) building has become essential to achieving project energy efficiency and sustainability goals.

The LEED rating system, developed by the U.S. Green Building Council ( USGBC ) in 2000, is an internationally recognized system for certifying design, construction and operation of sustainable buildings. LEED 2009 consists of several new rating systems, and new advancements to harmonize the LEED credits across rating systems and to address regional issues.

The LightLouver Daylighting System offers an innovative way to integrate sustainable building practices into commercial buildings, while at the same time contributing to a project’s ability to achieve LEED Certification. In fact, the LightLouver Daylighting System can directly contribute to or indirectly influence obtaining LEED credits across all commercial LEED rating systems:

  • LEED for New Construction: LEED NC 2009
  • LEED for Core and Shell: LEED CS 2009
  • LEED for Schools: LEED S 2009
  • LEED for Commercial Interiors: LEED CI 2009
  • LEED for Existing Buildings: LEED EBOM 2009
  • LEED for Retail Commercial Interiors Pilot: LEED R – CI
  • LEED for Retail New Construction Pilot: LEED R – NC
  • LEED for Healthcare Pilot: LEED HC ( GGHC v.2.2 )

The LightLouver Daylighting System Influence Matrix provides an overview of the total number of LEED prerequisites and credits that the LightLouver Daylighting System can influence for each rating system, along with the total associated points range available to your project. The LightLouver Daylighting System contributes directly to some of these credits, such as the ones for daylighting. It indirectly influences others, such as the ones for reduced energy consumption. Since only windows are discussed as sources for daylight in the documentation for the LEED rating systems, an argument can be made that the LightLouver Daylighting System should also qualify for innovation credits. Work with your LEED consultant to maximize the number of credits you can obtain from having the LightLouver Daylighting System on your projects.

The LightLouver Daylighting System LEED® Influence Matrix

  LEED® Rating Systems
  NC 2009 CS 2009 S 2009 CI 2009 EBOM 2009 R-CI Pilot R-NC Pilot HC
Total number of LEED® prerequisites and credits which LightLouver can influence 6 5 7 6 6 6 6 6
Range of LEED® points available 5 to 29 6 to 30 6 to 31 5 to 13 5 to 27 5 to 14 5 to 29 6 to 17
LEED® Credit
Energy and Atmosphere
EA Prerequisite 2
Minimum Energy Performance
Prereq Prereq Prereq Prereq Prereq Prereq Prereq Prereq
EA Credit 1
Optimize Energy Performance
1 to 19 3 to 21 1 to 19 1 to 2 1 to 18   1 to 19 2 to 10
EA Credit 1.2
Optimize Energy Performance - Lighting Controls
          1 to 3    
Indoor Environmental Quality
IEQ Credit 2.2
Controlability of Systems - Lighting
IEQ Credit 2.4
Daylight & Views
IEQ Credit 6
Controlability of Systems - Lighting
          1 1  
IEQ Credit 6.1
Controlability of Systems - Lighting
1   1 1        
IEQ Credit 8.1
Daylight & Views - Daylight
1 1 1 to 3 1 to 2   1 to 2 1  
Environmental Quality
EQ Credit 6.1
Controlability of Systems - Lighting
EQ Credit 8.1
Views &Daylight: Diagnostic and Treatment Areas
              1 to 3
EQ Credit 8.2
Views & Daylight: Inpatient Units
              1 to 2
EQ Credit 8.3
Views & Daylight: Daylight Quantity
Innovation in Design
ID Credit 1
Innovation in Design
Path 1 : Innovation in Design
1 to 5 1 to 5 1 to 4 1 to 5   1 to 5 1 to 5  
ID Credit 1
Innovation in Design
Path 2: Exemplary Performance
1 to 3 1 to 3 1 to 3 1 to 3   1 to 3 1 to 3  
ID Credit 3
TheSchool as a Teaching Tool
Innovation in Operations
IO Credit 1
Innovation in Operations
Path 1 : Innovation in Operations
        1 to 4      
IO Credit 1
Innovation in Operations
Path 2: Exemplary Performance
        1 to 3      
4 Levels of LEED® Certification. All except HC: Certified = 40-49 Points, Silver = 50-59 Points, Gold = 60-79 Points, Platinum = 80 Points & Above.       HC: Certified = 29-35 Points, Silver = 36-42 Points, Gold = 43-56 Points, Platinum = 57-77 Points